Monday, May 19, 2008

My Day of Victory!

Hello Family and Friends,
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of my cancer diagnosis -WOW!!!!!! I call May 18th 2007 "My Day of Victory". I have come to realize looking back on this past year how much good has come from such a horrible event! It is my Day of Victory because I am a better person today! It took the cancer to help me see the miracles of God before me and all of God's beauty. I wake up each morning with an excitement to enjoy the day God has given me and to make a difference for HIm! My new favorite thing to do is wake up early when it's super quiet and peaceful outside and sit on our small back porch while the sun is hitting it and just listen to the birds! It is so amazing out there in the early morning hours. It's like God's presence is all around me. I sometimes like to think the birds are just singing praises to God! I enjoy a little prayer time and reading God's word and my day has begun on the right foot. I wanted to share with you what my daily devotional reading was about yesterday on my one year anniversary of the cancer diagnosis. It is titled "Our Confidence is in Jesus" and the scripture verse that goes with it is ( and this is no coincidence) Philipians 4:13 "I can do everything through him who gives me strength". Isn't God amazing??? The very reason I got through the Hell that cancer put me through WAS BECAUSE OF GOD'S STRENGTH!! The first line of this devotional made me laugh it says " Satan does not want you to fulfill God's plan for your life because he knows that you are part of his ultimate defeat!" Isn't that the truth? Satan will do anything to us to try and destroy us so that we can't and don't bring glory to God. Well I am here to say that if if you are experiencing some very difficult times in your life right now trust in a God who understands everything you are going through! While Jesus was here on earth He endured every possible emotion and pain that we have AND MORE!!! He understands and promises in His word that he will give strength to the the weary and power to the weak( Isaiah 40:29) There is a person named Valerie that I have been praying for daily and I feel like God just wants me to tell her a few things. Valerie, God wants you to know that He loves you with a passion that is undescribable! He is the Rock that you need to stand and lean on! He wants to be there for you and heal ALL of your hurts! He sees everything that you have endured and He wants you to know that He is Faithful! Give your life to Christ (meaning trust Him for all things). Make Him the Savior of your life and watch the awesome blessings start to flow. Christ is the One person who will NEVER EVER let you down. I have not endured the things you have encountered this past year but I have endured my own pain and I can tell you from experience that if you trust in Jesus He will bring you through anything. His love healed ALL of my pain! I hope that encourages you and know that I will continue to pray for you!!

Enjoy your day!


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