Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving 2008!

Happy Thanksgiving!! We as God's children and Believers have so very much to be thankful for and praise God for! I hope that each one of you enjoyed your time with family and friends. This year we spent Thanksgiving with the Dunlap's here in Colorado and had a wonderful time and awesome meal!! It was fun to just eat and rest the whole day. We did absolutely nothing but just hang together and enjoy each other! This year I am so grateful to the Lord for breath and the ability to bring Him glory! I am thankful for all the "things" God has given me but also very thankful that I can give!! I look back on some of the photos last year at this time and just praise my God for all He has brought us through! Wow, isn't it something to go through such a horrific event but then get through it and look back and see all that God has done ?? That's the amazing thing about serving God - He promises to never leave us or forsake us and if we trust and rely in HIm He promises DELIVERANCE!! AND OH MY - WHAT TREMENDOUS DELIVERANCE HE BROUGHT! We can't possibly understand His ways at the time we are going through something very painful but in the end His ways are truly good and for His loved ones we are always rewarded and given victory! Just lately I have recently found out that my dear friend whom I job shared with at church has been diagnosed with breast cancer and just began her treatment. Her name is Sarah and I would love for you to pray for her healing and victory! I have also learned of another family friend in our church that just found out 5 days ago she has breast cancer. Sometimes do you wonder if the very reason your allowed to go through something so painful is just for the ability of being able minister healing and God's love to someone else going through the same thing??? Let me tell you, I do not for one second believe in coincidence! I am beginning to find out as time goes on how much of God's goodness is coming from my experience with cancer. It was not all in vain!! He is given me the ability to encourage these two special ladies with God's wisdom and knowledge. God spoke something to me several days ago - just 3 words: "Firm, Relying, Trust". Last year at this time just completing my last treatment I wouldn't have been able to thank God for this experience with cancer but as I continued on throughout the year in my healing He has shown me all that He is doing through this experience - AND IT'S AMAZING! I have learned and am learning that a Firm, Relying, Trust in our Savior Jesus brings great deliverance and blessings!! Do you want deliverance today from anything difficult you are facing in life? Just firmly rely on and trust in Jesus and with time ( sometimes longer than we want) He will bring great rewards of blessings and deliverance that you can't possibly imagine! So everyday can be a Thanksgiving because of all that God is doing in our lives!

Love you tons!


Thursday, November 13, 2008

God Prepares Us!

Hello My Sweet Family and Friends,
Hope this day brings you great joy and gratitude for all that God has given us! I must have put a spring cleaning pill into my orange juice this morning because I cleaned my house from top to bottom today and while I was doing it I just kept saying "Jesus, thank you so much for the ability, health and strength to clean for my family!" I can't even begin to tell you after facing something like cancer how somedays you just wake up and Praise God for your life and family! Today is one of those days. If felt good to clear out the clutter that had been stacked for about 1 year, layers of dust wiped away and floors that are now the right shade of white! In the midst of my cleaning frenzy I came across an old journal from 2005 that my dear friend Jod the Toad had given me. I just opened it up to an entry from December 1, 2005. It literally took my breath away at how God so prepares our hearts for things to come. I would like to share with you that entry from Dec. 1, 2005:

"My Precious Heavenly Father,
I love you so much and desire to serve you - You have placed a hugh desire and hunger to seek you and know you- You have placed an undescribable passion and urgency to learn your word and know you! I ask myself why??? Are you raising up this generation of Christians to do mighty things for you in these last days? Because if you are, just like Isaiah I say "Send Me". Prepare me Lord! Thank you for choosing me and calling me to be Holy and set apart. Please help me to be humble and obedient. Give me strength to fight the enemy!! Fill me and mold me to be your masterpiece. I hear your calling and I am ready for your change!"

Whewwwwww!!!! I can hardly read that without loosing a few breaths because I had no idea what would hit my life 2 years later. OH, HOW THE HOLY SPIRIT PREPARES OUR HEARTS FOR WHAT IS TO COME! I can remember that feeling of urgency in my spirt and it almost made me anxious. I kept feeling like I needed to get grounded in the Word of God and praying that God would help me have the strength to fight the enemy. My enemy came to destroy me 2 years later and as I look back over the last year and a half God so beautifully answered that journal entry from December 1, 2005. God not only gave me His strength but His courage, He humbled me and stripped me of all my pride, selfishness, and showed me compassion, He most certainly molded me and threw me into a burning furnace to be refined. And all of this for what??? I heard God calling me on December 1, 2005 for a specific purpose on this earth. I remember responding "Send Me" - Yikes!!! (Note to self: do not speak those words to God unless you are ready for something HUGE!!!!!!!!!!) I am changed person for all God has brought through. I am so excited to see how God will use my experience with cancer to minister to many!

This journal that my friend Jod theToad gave me has a bunch of little encouraging scriptures and sayings that she cut out and pasted through out the journal. It is such a treasure! THE most ironic thing about one of these inserts is the one that follows my entry from December 1, 2005! Here it is:


When it is God's time to bring something into our lives, He will often do it after He has prepared us to receive it.

He may withhold a place of leadership until He has taught us how to serve.

He may withhold honor until He has taught us humility.

He may withhold possessions until He has taught us contentment.

He may withhold a relationship until He has taught us to be complete in Him.

He may withhold an overflow of finances until He has taught us how to give. He may withhold guidance until He has taught us what is pleasing to Him.

He may withhold an active ministry until He has taught us how to be still.

Author unknown

There is no such thing as a coincidence when you believe God is a Sovereign God!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Long Time No See!

Hello to all my Family and Friends!

Wow, it has been several months since I have last updated you on the happenings of my life! It has been on my heart for quite some time to get back to journaling and share with you all what God is doing in our lives. Here are some pics of me and my my awesome family. I have had several haircuts now and am loving trying to decide if I should go short or long - Oh, what wonderful decisions!!!! So much has happened since the last entry! All I want to say tonight is that God is an Awesome God and has brought my family and me through great trials with great victory and now we have great Praise! If it weren't for trials and difficulties what would we have to Praise our Creator for??? He likes to show His power and miracles through our trials and then our faith in Him grows leaps and bounds. May God's richest blessings be upon you and your families.

Love to all!


Monday, June 9, 2008

Relay For Life

Hello to all my Dear Loved Ones!!

WOW!! What an incredible Relay For Life we had on Saturday and Sunday this past weekend! The Relay For Life is a community event which supports and raises money for the cure of cancer! It was truly amazing to see a multitude of survivors! That was soooo inspiring and encouraging. I was asked to be the Honorary Survivor speaker before the Luminary Ceremony. It was such a joy to be able to share my story and give My Jesus all the credit! He is the reason I am still standing here today and I want Him to get all the glory!! It was a memorable event and I just want to say thank you to all my family who supported me and stood by my side this weekend. Just having you there was such a comfort and so much fun! We will look forward to next years event! I will post some pictures as soon as I can figure that out and maybe I can post my speech too for those of you who want to hear it. Thank you all for your prayers - I actually made it through without being a total blubbering mess :) God is sooo good and I am thankful for the way He uses us! I hope you are enjoying your day today. Talk soon-


Monday, May 26, 2008

A Little Girl named Sydney

Hello to all my dear family and friends,
Happy Memorial Day and hope all is going well! Things are going good and enjoying Chaz being home now as school ended last Friday! It is a complete joy to think of all the things we want to do this summer as I missed out on the fun last summer. We went swimming yesterday for the first time this year and it was a blast. A little cool getting out but sooooo worth it - the kids loved having mommy swimming with them again. Thank you God for your grace and mercy!!! Mark is still with out a job so keep praying that God would provide and send employment quickly - thank you! He is such an amazing man- He has a heart after God and when faced with trials He continues to put his full trust in God to work it all out. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful example of Christ to lead this home!! I love you, honey! I have a prayer request for all prayer warriors. A little girl named Sydney who is 9 years old has just been diagnosed with a stage 3 brain tumor which is inoperable and is being flown to St. Jude's Hospital tomorrow. They will be giving her an experimental drug and have high hopes that it will shrink it. However, this little dolly is going to endure some serious sickness and pain. Please pray that God heal her and that the doctors have wisdom over her little body. God can do it and I am believing for a miracle. Please join me in praying for her and I will continue to keep you updated. Thanks so much.

Love to you all!

Monday, May 19, 2008

My Day of Victory!

Hello Family and Friends,
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of my cancer diagnosis -WOW!!!!!! I call May 18th 2007 "My Day of Victory". I have come to realize looking back on this past year how much good has come from such a horrible event! It is my Day of Victory because I am a better person today! It took the cancer to help me see the miracles of God before me and all of God's beauty. I wake up each morning with an excitement to enjoy the day God has given me and to make a difference for HIm! My new favorite thing to do is wake up early when it's super quiet and peaceful outside and sit on our small back porch while the sun is hitting it and just listen to the birds! It is so amazing out there in the early morning hours. It's like God's presence is all around me. I sometimes like to think the birds are just singing praises to God! I enjoy a little prayer time and reading God's word and my day has begun on the right foot. I wanted to share with you what my daily devotional reading was about yesterday on my one year anniversary of the cancer diagnosis. It is titled "Our Confidence is in Jesus" and the scripture verse that goes with it is ( and this is no coincidence) Philipians 4:13 "I can do everything through him who gives me strength". Isn't God amazing??? The very reason I got through the Hell that cancer put me through WAS BECAUSE OF GOD'S STRENGTH!! The first line of this devotional made me laugh it says " Satan does not want you to fulfill God's plan for your life because he knows that you are part of his ultimate defeat!" Isn't that the truth? Satan will do anything to us to try and destroy us so that we can't and don't bring glory to God. Well I am here to say that if if you are experiencing some very difficult times in your life right now trust in a God who understands everything you are going through! While Jesus was here on earth He endured every possible emotion and pain that we have AND MORE!!! He understands and promises in His word that he will give strength to the the weary and power to the weak( Isaiah 40:29) There is a person named Valerie that I have been praying for daily and I feel like God just wants me to tell her a few things. Valerie, God wants you to know that He loves you with a passion that is undescribable! He is the Rock that you need to stand and lean on! He wants to be there for you and heal ALL of your hurts! He sees everything that you have endured and He wants you to know that He is Faithful! Give your life to Christ (meaning trust Him for all things). Make Him the Savior of your life and watch the awesome blessings start to flow. Christ is the One person who will NEVER EVER let you down. I have not endured the things you have encountered this past year but I have endured my own pain and I can tell you from experience that if you trust in Jesus He will bring you through anything. His love healed ALL of my pain! I hope that encourages you and know that I will continue to pray for you!!

Enjoy your day!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Sweet Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all my dear family and friends,
I woke up this morning to two, sweet blonde boys staring over me saying "Here's a big hug for Mother's Day!" Then I got a ton of kisses too!! I was totally impressed that they had remembered on their own. I found out that my sons' pastors told them last night at church to remember to give mom a big hug in the morning and they remembered!!! This Mother's Day takes on a whole new meaning and is even more special than any other Mother's Day that I have had. Thank you to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who has given me continued life and the privelage of being a mother and a wife. Today I was reading in my Joyce Meyer's Devotional book the verse found in John 10:10 " I came that they may have and enjoy life,and have it in abundance". Jesus came to this earth and died for us that we may enjoy the time we have here on earth. And not only that, but we have been promised eternal life with Christ after this life. WOW! Now that's something to get excited about. I refuse to fear the time I have left here on earth - rather I choose to enjoy every wonderful moment God will give me to love my family and make memories together! That's why this Mother's Day is truly a special one because everyday is a gift from God. I pray that each one of you enjoy the honor and privelage of being a mom. And to my mom: Mom, I love you with all my heart! You have blessed my life through your wisdom and love. This past year you have given me the encouragement I needed to fight my battle. And to my Mother-in-law, Marlene, I love you with all my heart and I appreciate all that you do for our family and your Godly example to us this past year. I thank God for both of you! HAVE FUN MOMS!!!!

Love to you,

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Give Thanks to God!

Hello All! I just want to begin with this verse in Psalms 105:1-3 " Give Thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done. Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts. Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice..." That is just want I want to do! I want to thank my God for all He has done in my life and make it known to all! I received great pathology reports back yesterday regarding the little lymph node that was removed last Monday - totally BENIGN!! God has done a good work in me and will bring it to completion (Phillipians 1:6) I just want to shout HIs praises for the Awesome, Powerful and Living God that He is! Psalms 66:5 is another great verse for me to remember not only through my healing but all the things God continues to do in our lives on a daily basis. "Come and see what God has done, how AWESOME his works in man's behalf!" It can be so easy to forget all that God has done because we get so muttled down in the everyday rut of life and all of it's problems. But isn't that just what Satan would like - for us as God's children to forget all that the great and Mighty Creator has done for us since the beginning of time?? This past week I went to a Seder meal at church which was a terrific way of truly remembering ALL that God has done for us starting with the exodus of the Isrealites from Egypt to our present day! What a reminder of God's power, authority and knowledge. The Bible says that He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. (Hebrews 13:8) I think at times I have been guilty of thinking that God has changed just because our times have changed so drastically. Before going through an experience with cancer I often wondered and I have heard other Christians state that maybe miracles do not happen anymore. I realized after going through the experience I did God opened my eyes to all His Glory around me. He DOES and don't let Satan fool you that God does perform great and mighty miracles everyday we just have to be open to seeing them. If He was the same God yesterday (performing awesome miracles back then) His word says that He is the same today (still performing those great miracles). I have come to realize that even though this world may be filled with tragic disappointments God is in control and knows all! I just need to allow my mind to be focused on Christ so that I have a direct connection with the Holy Spirit and can be led by Him. I am learning by doing this allows me to see on a daily basis God's miracles and awesome works! I am a living miracle and believe that He has allowed me life to give HIm all the glory! I thank each of you for always praying and loving on us! God certainly does rally the Saints when His kids are needing help! We love each of you and hope you are enjoying your weekend as a family!


Oh yes, I just wanted to update you on Mark's job. He did have his second interview on Monday. He spoke with the recruiter that he is working with and found out that the interviewer felt Mark had a great second interview and is reviewing all of Mark's materials (research) he brought in. We are just praying for God's will - He knows best! Please continue to pray with us for God's provisions!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Hello Family and Friends,
Just had to report to you all that my 3 month check up with my Oncologist went well!! All my blood work came back looking good and clean - Praise the Lord!! Since the levels in my blood looked good I don't have to return back to the Oncologist for 6 more months and then they will repeat the blood work. I really had quite a bit of anxiety going into that place again. It is amazing how many different emotions and stages a cancer survivor goes through. At times I think "Hey, I think I am feeling like myself again in every respect and then another day comes and I am experiencing emotions and thoughts I never thought I could have. This is more than just a physical healing but also a mental one. I still haven't gotten the nerve to go back into the chemo room to visit all of my special nurses because it is to hard for me to see the other patients going through such pain. I really hope that changes because I would love to use my experience to encourage some one else in their battle! Not to mention share the hope of Christ with them. Please pray for me in this area :) There is a little nodule that I had found under my right arm pit that both my surgeon and oncologist think is benign or maybe just some scar tissue from the mastectomy but I don't want to mess around with it so I will be having that removed next monday at 9:45am. It's just an in office visit with a local and then it's done. It will give me a piece of mind to know everything is ok. Please pray for that as well - thank you. I have started a self Bible study on Fear and how it can hinder all that God has for our lives. It's amazing what I am learning. One thing I learned today is how our past experiences, big or small, should not cause us fear but rather reveal to us God's great power and protection through that experience. This past trials or experiences also build our faith for future events. The scripture used as an example of this is in 1Samuel when David approached King Saul about fighting the giant Goliath. King Saul told him that it would be impossible for little David to fight such a mighty warrior as Goliath. However, David tells King Saul that IN HIS PAST ( past experience) he killed a fierce lion and bear with his own hands to save his sheep. So because of his past experience with the wild bear and lion his faith was strong and build up in God trusting him to yet give him another victory. If David had not had that past experience or hardship he would not have been prepared to fight the giant Goliath. It was a great reminder to me that God puts things into our lives to prepare us for the future and to build our faith in Him! What an awesome God we serve. Oh yes, some of you have called about Mark's job. He did end up loosing his job a few weeks ago. The large pharmaceutical company did buy out his company and now he is without a job. He does receive a severance package for the next few months and we are praying for our Faithful God to yet reveal Himself again. WE KNOW HE WILL SHOW HIMSELF AGAIN!!!! Mark has a second interview with a company on Monday for a Spinal Orthopedic equipment position (medical sales) Please pray for the Lord's will.

Enjoy your day and families!

Love you,

Sunday, April 13, 2008

God's Goodness, Grace and Mercy!

Hello to all my family and friends!
I apologize for not keeping you all up to date the last couple of months. I have gotten several phone calls from friends in other states wondering what in the world is going on with me! I so appreciate all your concern, prayers, love and support. I had been having computer problems figuring out my blog account and just didn't want to deal with it as I am so not a "techy" when it comes to computers so I kept putting it off. However, I have realized that this is such a great way to keep everyone up to date with how things are going. Things are going great!! God's goodness, grace and mercy continue to amaze me and my family! I am feeling very good and strong. I have joined a cancer wellness program at a local gym and get to workout with a couple personal trainers a couple times a week to help get the blood flowing again and the muscles pumped up! It feels great. Last time I blogged I had made mention of an abnormal pap test. After I had a biopsy the reports still came back slightly abnormal but the doctor felt it was hardly enough to even bother with it. Yes!!!!! I just need to repeat the pap in 4 months and see how things are looking then. I am trusting that the Lord will heal that too :) I am really healing up nicely after the bilateral mastectomy. At times there are a few sharp pains that linger periodically throughout the day but for the most part I sometimes forget that I even had it done. I had noticed a small little "bebe" size nodule under my right arm pit and had my surgeon looked at it. He felt that because it was so tiny that it could just be a deep suture that cells have formed around and he wasn't worried. This Wednesday at 10:15AM I have my first 3 month check up with my oncologist. I have already done the blood work and I am trusting that God has healed me once and for all and that all my reports will come back beautifully! To God be all the the Glory!! May 18th will mark the one year date as to when I found out I had cancer. As I was working out a couple of weeks ago a thought crossed my mind and it was this " The Day God Gave Me Victory!" Actually that sounds like a great title for a book! I remember when I was first diagnosed some cancer survivors called their cancer experiences a "gift". Well, I still haven't gotten to call the cancer I had a gift but I will say that May 18th, 2007 marked the day that God gave Me Victory! Victory in so many ways! Healing over cancer, the building of my faith, the depth and intimacy of my relationship with my Savior Jesus, an incredible, awesome, intimate relationship with my husband, patience, kindness and compassion with people, healed relationships, beautiful friendships, and the list goes on! Had I not ever gone through this experience with cancer I am not sure I would have ever been able to experience these victories in my life and felt the joy and passion for Christ that I have now! The Word of God states that God works things out for the good of each believer. I know many wondered how in the world could any good come out of such a horrible event but as I review all God has done through this process it is evident that Christ's fingerprints were all over me EVERY step of the way! I am truly a different person now than I was before May 18th 2007 and still continue to grow in what God is teaching me. The victories still keep coming. Now that it's been a few months out I am realizing that I am healing more emotionally than I am physically. I am finding that Satan wants to have a hay day with my thoughts and try to convince me that every ache, pain, abnormal test and little bumps I find is the end of my life! It really has been a battle in mind to continue to focus on Jesus and what He has done in me and not believe the pile of lies I am being fed. I have never in my life dealt with so much emotional turmoil and fear. It truly can become a spiritual bondage. My fear is not dying because I know that being side by side with my Creator will be the best place in this world to be but it's not being here for my precious children and husband that drives me to my knees. I have dealt with a tremendous amount of fear in this area and am sharing with you today so you know how to pray. GOD WILL GIVE ME VICTORY OVER THIS TOO! God is showing me things everyday through His Word and counsel of others slowly break the chains of fear and anxiety. God's word tells us a number of times "Do not fear" and to trust and believe! God is truly a Compassionate, Gracious, Merciful and Loving God so why wouldn't I put my full trust in Him??? I look forward to reporting to you how God has given me yet another victory in this area! I had better wrap this up for now. Please continue to pray for God's healing physically, mentally and spiritually.

All my love to you,

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Please pray!!

Hello Family and Friends,
Just need your prayers please!!! I had a pap yearly exam done last week and the results came back "abnormal". I will have a colposcopy on Friday March 7th to find out what's going on. Please pray for me that the Lord heal me to get a "normal" reading on the next test! I am very anxious and upset right now and really need God to intervene. Thank you so much!

Love you all,

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy Day!

Wow - it's been awhile since I last checked in with everybody! All is going well and thanks to the Lord I am healing up nicely. Almost have a full range of motion on my left side and can do just about anything on the right side :) What I am amazed at is how much energy I have and how good I feel - I believe the joy of the Lord is my strength!!! I am so thankful to God for healing my body of such a terrible disease and bringing me back to great health. I even have had my thyroid medication cut in half because my thyroid didn't need that much. I am believing that not only has Jesus healed me of cancer but is also healing my thyroid as well. Isn't that just like our God to heal it all! I feel absolutely wonderful. I kind of forgot what it felt like to feel good so I am just bounc'n off the walls. I want to thank my mom for her great wisdom and strength in the Lord the other day. Mom, God has used you in my life so many times with your words of encouragement and wisdom. I love you!! Mark should find out by the end of this week or next if he has a job. The company that bought his company is making a lot of changes so we are praying for the Lord to provide as He always does! Please keep Mark and his job situation in your prayers - thank you! I did visit with my Oncologist last week and now only have to be checked in 3 months - then 6 months and then every year :) I started my Tomaxifin which is a drug that keeps estrogen from sticking to my cells. The cancer I had was estrogen related so this will prevent any estrogen from interacting with cells in the breast area. I have to take this for 5 years. Please pray that my body receives this daily pill well and with no side effects. I continue to Praise God for the miraculous healing He has done in my body and thank Him for all of you! Love you all so much and pray God's power work in your lives!!

His Grace and Mercy is Awesome!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Praise Our Lord!

Hello My Dear Family & Friends!
I hope you all are enjoying this day! I am just prais'n God for His Goodness, Faithfulness, Mercy and Love today. I am just busting at the seams excited to shout God's praises in what He has done in my life! I can't tell you how much my life has changed because of this cancer. God has renewed my life and for that I am completely thankful to my God! I am experiencing a joy that I have never felt - an excitement for life that I just can't explain. WOW - to wake up each morning with a new day ahead of me and I GET to share God with all I come in contact with! It truly is a great privelage to serve God. It blows me away that God loves us as He does. He is so merciful and compassionate on His children. I met a lady on the phone last night and her name is Vicki. Vicki is also battling breast cancer ( stage 3c). We both had the same amount of chemo treatments - 16 total and she is finishing her last FEC treatment tomorrow. I share her with you because I would love for you all to pray for her. The FEC treatments are so very horrifying that the thought of having to endure just one more is truly more than a person can handle. I know you think "oh just one more and then your done" but it is truly a living hell to experience and she really needs your prayers to get through "just one more". As I spoke with vicki last night I heard a woman who deeply loves her Jesus and has got her eyes on her Savior to get her through this. She's is an amazing woman and ministered to my heart! She too will have a victory to praise God for. Thank you for your prayers for her! I love how God brings people together. I am beginning to see how Jesus is using my trial to bring hope and encouragement to other people and not just people going through cancer but any trial. I have also realized that with great trails comes GREAT PRAISE!!! God does use horrible things in our lives to bring out the good in us and to give all the glory to Jesus. He is our helper in all our battles and promises us great victory as His children. You just can't go wrong with serving Jesus. If you are reading this and haven't surrendered your life to God please do so. I promise you as I have experienced the last 8 months that God is real and alive and active in our lives today. He will fill you with a joy that is undescribable. Yes, I know that trials will still come but in the midst of them you truly will feel His joy and peace. Please give him a chance to love you - He's just a prayer away and so waiting to hear from His child!

Love you tons,

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Please pray!

Hi Everybody!
2 weeks following my masectomy and doing pretty good! Starting to get around (slowly) and enjoying everyday!!!! I really need some prayer regarding the swelling under my pit where the surgeon took out my lymph nodes. There is still quite a bit of fluid retention and it keeps me from moving my arm around like I should and quite painful! Please pray with me that the Lord would heal that all up and there would be no swelling in my arm (lymphadema) . This morning I was starting to get down about it and the Lord reminded me to share this with all my prayer warriors. I trust in God to get me through ALL of this and with your prayers there will be yet another victory! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! Yesterday Mark went back to work after having off of work for about 2 weeks. He was amazing how he cared for me and the boys. I am so totally blessed with my man! Mark did find out that he will still have a job with the new pharmaceutical company through the end of March. After that, not sure. He has been sending out many resumes for Medical Device jobs and has heard back from some recruiters. He would love to get into that field! Continue to pray for the Great Provider to meet all our needs and provide Mark an incredible job. As children of God HIs favor is on us all - HOW TOTALLY EXCITING!!!!! I love you all tons and am so very thankful for our friendships and family. God gives us so many blessings eachday in our family and friends. Thank you all for blessing me and my family!

Talk soon!
Dana - (Victoriously Healed!)