Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving 2008!

Happy Thanksgiving!! We as God's children and Believers have so very much to be thankful for and praise God for! I hope that each one of you enjoyed your time with family and friends. This year we spent Thanksgiving with the Dunlap's here in Colorado and had a wonderful time and awesome meal!! It was fun to just eat and rest the whole day. We did absolutely nothing but just hang together and enjoy each other! This year I am so grateful to the Lord for breath and the ability to bring Him glory! I am thankful for all the "things" God has given me but also very thankful that I can give!! I look back on some of the photos last year at this time and just praise my God for all He has brought us through! Wow, isn't it something to go through such a horrific event but then get through it and look back and see all that God has done ?? That's the amazing thing about serving God - He promises to never leave us or forsake us and if we trust and rely in HIm He promises DELIVERANCE!! AND OH MY - WHAT TREMENDOUS DELIVERANCE HE BROUGHT! We can't possibly understand His ways at the time we are going through something very painful but in the end His ways are truly good and for His loved ones we are always rewarded and given victory! Just lately I have recently found out that my dear friend whom I job shared with at church has been diagnosed with breast cancer and just began her treatment. Her name is Sarah and I would love for you to pray for her healing and victory! I have also learned of another family friend in our church that just found out 5 days ago she has breast cancer. Sometimes do you wonder if the very reason your allowed to go through something so painful is just for the ability of being able minister healing and God's love to someone else going through the same thing??? Let me tell you, I do not for one second believe in coincidence! I am beginning to find out as time goes on how much of God's goodness is coming from my experience with cancer. It was not all in vain!! He is given me the ability to encourage these two special ladies with God's wisdom and knowledge. God spoke something to me several days ago - just 3 words: "Firm, Relying, Trust". Last year at this time just completing my last treatment I wouldn't have been able to thank God for this experience with cancer but as I continued on throughout the year in my healing He has shown me all that He is doing through this experience - AND IT'S AMAZING! I have learned and am learning that a Firm, Relying, Trust in our Savior Jesus brings great deliverance and blessings!! Do you want deliverance today from anything difficult you are facing in life? Just firmly rely on and trust in Jesus and with time ( sometimes longer than we want) He will bring great rewards of blessings and deliverance that you can't possibly imagine! So everyday can be a Thanksgiving because of all that God is doing in our lives!

Love you tons!


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