Sunday, September 16, 2007

2nd Treatment of F.E.C.

Hello Family and Friends,
Yes, the 2nd treatment of FEC has finally arrived. These last 4 days have been absolutely wonderful! I have felt so alive and full of more energy than normal :) I do not look forward to this week and what this drug does to me but after receiving this treatment I can say only 2 more to go!!!!!!!! Yahoooooo!!!! For the first time I am beginning to see a little spark of light at the end of this tunnel. I don't know if you remember from my previous entries I spoke of a door that I felt opened quickly and I was shoved through it and then walked in a dark corridor. Well, I believe that the this long corridor or tunnel has an end and at the end of this tunnel is another door that will swing open and I will walk through it healed and sing'n praises to my God for all he has done. I do see a spark of light so that means that other door for exit is coming and I will slam it shut behind me and be a better person from it all! Please pray for me this week that the Lord spare me from the horrible side effects ESPECIALLY nausea and insomnia. Also, please keep Mark and the boys in your prayers as it is quite an adjustment for everybody when mommy is unable to help with the daily affairs and the boys wonder what's wrong with mommy. Thank you so very much for your prayers. These prayers are what's healed me and continues to give me the strength I need to fight this battle. I want to thank Terry and Colleen for the housekeeper on Friday. WOW- what a total blessing! This weekend we had more time as a family to just hang out and not worry about trying to get the house clean before this week. Thank you ladies! For those of you wondering about my dad, he is at home recovering as best as can be expected. Please continue to pray for healing and strength to do his physical therapy Monday, Wednesday and Fridays! He is the best dad a daughter could ever have and I love you dad! I thank my God for having my mom and dad- they are soooo special and such a blessing in life to have them. Well, I guess I had better sign off for now. If I am unable to blog this week I know Mark will keep you up to date on how to pray. Calling all prayer warriors!!! Only 2 left after this:)

Love to you all!

p.s. I put on some pics of mark and I at the Fort restaurant in Morrison, CO. Thank you to Diana Fish Price Foundation for cancer patients enabling them to enjoy a night out on them! We had a blast and celebrated our 15th anniversary while eating elk, buffalo and quail - deeeelicous!


mom said...

Hi Sweetie,

You are so amazing. Remember the battle has already been won, you are completely victorious so rest in God's favour this week and let His warrior angels continue His work on your behalf.

Love ya tons,

Eliza Brock said...

Hey woman!

Hope that this week went better than the last treatment for you. I have been praying for you! I loved the house cleaning from Merry Maids. If you didn't know they work through Hope Lives! and I always used my 2 monthly services for them. I found it helped me out the most. I will try calling you this week sometime.
You're in my thoughts, everday!