Thursday, September 27, 2007

9 Days later!

Hello my dear family and friends,
Hope all is well and you are enjoying everyday - it truly is a gift from heaven! I am finally back after 9 long days. From Monday of last week to Monday of this week is just horrible! Once Tuesday came I started to finally feel like this fog in my brain lifted a little and by Wednesday I could watch Cade by myself in the afternoon. It is truly amazing how absolutely toxic this stuff is because it literally makes you in capable of doing anything for yourself. That's why I am writing today to praise God yet one more time for helping me take every breath and make it through every minute of each day. There is no doubt in my mind that God and His Son Jesus are real!!! There is no way on earth I could go through this without Him. The chemo makes you feel like you are dying and God is real because He keeps me alive and gives me the strength to live! I have heard many people tell me how strong I am and that I can do this and truly that is not so! I absolutely have no physical or mental strength left! It is only through God that this is getting done. So praise Him Saints for again being a Faithful God. I have received many emails from you that I am just getting to now after about 2 weeks and I thank you for ALL the prayers! God can't turn his ear from all these prayers and I just love it! There is soooooo much power in prayer and we can change so much with just praying :) Just wanted to give you a brief update and says thanks and I love you all! Now my prayer request would be that God would again give me the strength mentally and in my body to receive yet 2 more treatments. Please pray that all parts of my body is protected from the chemo and that it just targets any cancer cells left (which I believe are completely gone !!!) Thank you!

Enjoy life!


Unknown said...

Love you tons sister. You are going to make it thru today too. You keep up the mental strength and this will be over soon. Just keep imagining how you will feel soon when the chemo is done. You will feel wonderful again. I love you. Brit

Unknown said...

Glad to hear your "voice" again! God is truly our strength and our fortress! Only 2 more--you AND God can do it together! We're here to cheer you on! Love ya tons!


Eliza Brock said...

It was good talking to you this week. I hope that you are trying the juice, I really do feel like it helped keep my blood count up. Keep on counting them down and look to the light at the end of this long, dark tunnel. You can do it!

Jan Fisher said...

Hello Dana ... had a nice long talk with your father this am. I can't believe what you and your father (and families) are going through. Bob and I will keep you all in our prayers. God is great and will carry you and your father through all your trials. It exhausts me to even read what you have all gone through. You are strong and as you know, through Him all things are possible. This is your cross Dana. Give up all this suffering for our Lord. He will continue to bless you. You sure still look as darling as ever w/o your hair. Mark looks great as well. We will pray for you as you continue this journey. Love you. Jan Fisher