Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Good Day

Hello All! It has been a great day today! Feeling so good that it is surprising me :) I was able to run around outside with Cade today. It felt so good. God is really giving me the strength to continue on with these treatments. I want to thank so many of you for all the wonderful cards and phone calls! They have all been so encouraging. Julie Y - Thank you for the little gifts of encouragement. I just got the "Good Day" button and laughed soooo hard. What a great thing to have around when the days get a little gloomy :) You and your family are so loved and we can't wait to make it home to give you all a big hug. Tomorrow I have 2 very special ladies coming over to pray with me. Terry and Colleen were my Bible study leaders last year and have become my spiritual prayer warriors. Every time the Lord has used them to speak such truth to me and encouragement. I will need this as I am preparing for my 2nd treatment of F.E.C on Monday. I really wanted to ask you all for prayer for my dad again. This morning he was feeling very nauseated,and the chllls. My mom took him to the doctor and found out he was dehydrated and their were other tests done to find what was causing these symptoms. My dad really needs your prayers for healing throughout his whole body. I know he would appreciate that. I believe that God will take care of my dad but he just needs the Lord's strength right now. Thank you! My ear is feeling better on the antibiotics - just keep praying that the Lord heals it up completely and I will be strong for Monday. I am so thankful for life- Priorities have changed so much. It's amazing how a life threatening situation can cause one to really reflect on what's important. I am learning so much through this process and for that I am truly thankful to God. I pray I don't miss a thing God wants to teach me so I can be a stronger person from it!

Love to you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have a great day today Dunlaps. I wish we could be together today. Enjoy all your good days! :) They are a gift. Im soo glad you are feelin good this week. Keep up the strength and amazing attitude. Talk to you later. love, Brit and fam