Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thanks Prayer Warriors!

Thank you all so very much for praying yesterday for this sinus pressure!! Today that pressure is nearly gone and I have my energy back :) It is so comforting to know that the Saints of God will pray and results ALWAYS follow! I was driving Chaz to school this morning and I just felt God whisper into my heart... "just think Dana, in a few months you will be taking Chaz to school in complete and total health! " Wow, that was a great thought!! I can't begin to tell you the things that I have learned through this whole cancer experience and one of them is to just enjoy life-every minute of it!! Just noticing all of God's amazing creation all around us and the opportunities to give and minister to people excites me soooo much I can barely keep seated! Life is too short to be hung up on the stupid things of life. I am thankful for this lesson because if anyone needed to learn to get her priorities straight and forget the offenses of people it was me!!! Taking the time and making memories with family is my excitement and joy! Thank you God for refining my heart and hopefully making me a better person! Hope you all have a great day and enjoy every bit of it.

Love you-

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