Monday, July 9, 2007

Bald Buddies

Happy Monday All!
It was a good day today. Today was my 6th treatment of Taxol. I reached my half way mark with this drug - Yahooo! I can really feel God's people praying for me on Mondays because it really is my very best day! There is a peace in me that I can't even explain, a determination to fight and a joy that fills my heart - Wow, the power of prayer! Thank you so very much! White blood cells dropped a few points from last week but still in the "normal" range. Still no results on the gene test yet, but hopefully by next Monday we will know more. I want you all to meet a friend of mine who lives right next door. Her name is Jen and she is the sweetest gal who has a heart of gold. I am truly blessed to have a friend like her. God has blessed her with the gift of creativity. This gal can make anything! She has a purse and jewlery line that you ladies would drool over and she sews like nobody's business. A month ago Jen said she would shave her head so I wouldn't have to be the only one on the block with a shiny nogin! I tried to talk her out of it but her mind was made up. Today she came over to show me her new doo! Wow, she pulls it off well and looks beautious! Jen, I love ya and thank you for your wonderful support and love for me and my guys - anyone would be blessed to call you friend!



Sandy Gray said...

Hey Dana girl,
Thanks for letting me hang with your boys yesterday. They are a blessing and I know I enjoyed it more than they did.
I love this pic. You two look great!
Your eyes shine with the LOVE and HOPE of our Lord Jesus. You are a beautiful woman. It is an honor to call you friend!
I love you my priceless friend,

Lauren said...

Hey Sweet Buddy!
What an amazing Gal U R! I know Jesus' healing hand is on you! Reid sure is praying for his God Mamma & so is Jeff & Riley too! About the hair...HOT! :)
So proud of you! You are R in our hearts & prayers!
Lots of love, Lauren