Sunday, July 8, 2007


Hope you all had a great weekend! We had great, sunny weather here in Fort Collins. This weekend the boys took mama to the archery range so big Daddy D could get some practice in for Elk season this fall. Chaz has got himself a little bow and loves to go out and shoot with dad. Cade likes to stand behind daddy and imitate his every move. Mama had to give it a shot herself. There is no way I could even begin to pull Mark's monster bow back but I surely could attempt to shoot chaz's. The competitive nature in me got the best of me once again and I had to keep shooting until of course I managed to get in the circle area :) Yeah for mom! (This nature of mine to win has come in handy these days - thanks Lord!) We really didn't do much else but just kick back and relax- doctor's orders. That is hard for us as we love to be on the go, however, I am staying focused on next summer and dream of the places and things we will do! Mom, Yellowstone is on the calendar next year! The only other highlight for the weekend was the "hair cutting party" we had at grandma's house! I absolutely could not stand my hair all over the house. The last straw was waking up at 3:00 am Sunday morning with a clump of hair in my mouth and then trying to turn over on the other side of my pillow to get another clump in my eye. So let the shaving begin.... One by one my kids and hubby stepped up to the plate to support mama and shave their heads too. I really didn't think Cade would go for it but once he saw how cool his big brother looked he was all for it. Those boys are the cutest little bald blondies I have ever seen. Not to mention Mr. D. He has a perfectly round shaped head and looks pretty darn hot if I might say so myself! You always wonder if you have a cone shaped nogin with a few bumps or lumps. Now it was my turn to find out and to my surprise I too have a nice round head. I was totally ready for it to be gone and actually really like the feeling of the fuzz on top. It must have been all the prayers because I couldn't at one point have ever imagined my head with no hair, but it is true "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength". I must admit there is quite a freedom in feeling the wind against your baldness - hee hee. Also ladies, I will never have a bad hair day for awhile :) Tomorrow is my 6th treatment of chemo. It is also the half way mark of this specific drug. Yeah!!!! You all could pray for our spirits to remain high around here. Today was a little emotional. I am realizing that everybody in our family goes through cancer - not just me! My husband and kids are all going through something that I don't understand. I can see it in the behaviors and attitudes. Especially the the little guy. He has really been pushing mommy and daddy to our limits. Mark himself has a lot on his plate too caring for everybody and watching me change physically. So please pray that the Lord meets everybody's needs. Thank you for all your prayers and love.

Prayer Requests:
Healing for mark and the boys of their colds
God protects me from their colds :)
Lord meets our physical, mental and spiritual needs


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