Monday, July 2, 2007


Hello Family and Friends,
Thank you ALL for your many, many, many prayers- that's what gets me through! I am blown away by all the people praying and people who don't even know me have such a heart for praying for my healing - WOW! God has truly rallied His saints around me. And here is an example of the power of prayer: today I met with my oncologist who did an exam and she confirmed that the breast tissue was becoming much softer (as it was very firm my first visit) which means the tumors are shrinking!!!! I did have one little lymph node that had popped up under the one I had originally taken out. So we are going to watch that. I will have another MRI this week or the beginning of next week to see exactly how much the tumors have shrunk and see what that lymph node is doing. I can't wait to see the results so God can reveal His great power to all the docs and nurses!! 2nd praise is that my white blood cell count has gone up from 1.2 last week to 1.8 this week ( the normal ranges are 1.5-8.5) That is a praise to God! I was able to receive my treatment today -Yahhhoooo, 5 done 7 more to go of this drug. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phillipians 4:13 A month ago I was horrified at the name "chemo" and look how God has given us the strength to do all things. The Bible works - His promises are true and they are there for the taking! All we have to do is believe and He does all the rest. For those of you who may never have considered a relationship with our precious Lord please consider it today because no matter what you are going through in this life God can carrry you through it AND you can still enjoy life - I am a living testimony of that! One other quick thing of how God works so beautifully. Today at chemo I pulled out my bible and just opened it and a piece of paper fell out. I opened it and noticed it was dated June 25, 2006. I had written it almost a year ago to this day. It started out by saying "If you have experienced great trials, you have the potential for great praise" It was a notation from my study bible. Then it was followed by a verse found in Psalm 107:32 "Let them (the Isrealites)exalt him in the assembly of the people and praise Him in the council of the elders". Then I had written "the Isrealites suffered greatly before reaching their promise land. However, once they reached their promise land they had much to praise God for- Thank you Lord for trials and tribulations so we can recognize your power and victory in our lives!" (Yikes, it kind of gave me chills) This was an awesome reminder today. How many times have I been in my bible and that piece of paper has never fallen out or I never saw it except for this day. He works in wonderful ways.

Today I had a gene test taken to tell me if I carry a cancer gene that makes me more prone to cancer. Please pray that it comes back negative. If this test comes back positive it requires a bi-lateral masectomy and removal of ovaries and fallopian tubes. I am believing that when God created me He gave me good genes not bad ones! It takes about 1 to 2 weeks for results.

I Love you!

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