Saturday, July 28, 2007

Happy Saturday!

Yes, I love the weekends!!!!! The chemo for the most part is out of my body and I feel soooooooo much better. WOW, what a difference in the attitude too when your body feels better :) I always have the "tired yuk" feeling but at least on the weekends it's not as bad and my stomach feels a little better. I've only had a few days of a nausea but nothing bad at all. Most times my stomach just feels heavy and doesn't tolerate any of my favorite things like chocolate milkshakes and birthday cake. Yes, those two delicious items are my favorites! Since I have been on chemo for whatever crazy reason I can't tolerate milk products or chocolate - how unfair is that!!!! Sometimes on a good weekend I might try and sneak in some goodies :) Not much happening today. We are just going to get some cleaning, laundry and little grocery shopping accomplished. I am looking forward to my 9th treatment on Monday. Yahooooo, after that only3 left of this drug! I will also be visiting with my oncologist and having an exam. Please pray that God would give my oncologist wisdom from above over my body. I believe so far God has guided her in my treatment and will continue to do so. Thank you all so much for your prayers. It was a rough week emotionally and I got through because of the prayers of MANY!! Thank you Lord for your Saints that have rallied around me!!!

Love you!

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